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The opening ceremony of [Yongsheng-Century Peace Town], the largest superstore and Jiayue in the high-tech zone

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On 28 April, the much-anticipated largest superstore and Jiayue in Taian City's Gaoxin District was opened in full bloom at Yongsheng-Century Plaza.

The grand opening ceremony was held at 9:58 a.m.  Duan Chonghai, Director of the Management Committee of Taian High-tech Zone, You Daosheng, Chairman of Hong Kong Yongchengli Group,  Du Jinsheng, Chairman of Taian City Taishan District Agricultural and Commercial Bank,  Chang Dong, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of Taian City Taishan District Agricultural and Commercial Bank,  You Wangsheng, President of Hong Kong Yongchengli Group, Ms. Zhang Li, Director of Hong Kong Yongchengli Group and General Manager of Yonghong Real Estate Co.  Xue Wenhua, Vice President of Jiayue Group Co., Ltd, Ms. Tian Qun, General Manager of Western Region of Jiayue Group Co., Ltd, Ms. Qi Ying, General Manager of Century Peace Town Store of Jiayue Group Co., Ltd,  Weng Jiaxing, Vice President of Hong Kong Yongchengli Group and General Manager of Yongsheng Property Co., Ltd attended the opening celebration and held a grand ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Jiayue supermarket is a key chain of enterprises in Shandong Province, currently has nearly 600 chain shops, Jinri opened Yongsheng - Century Peace Town shop operating area of nearly 4,000 square meters, a full range of business categories, covering the supermarket and department stores two major business, opened a new high-quality leisure lifestyle for residents of the high-tech zone, opened a new chapter in the history of commerce and trade in the high-tech zone, injecting new momentum for the development of the high-tech zone.

Yongsheng-Century City is located in the core area of Taian's Gaoxin District, close to Taian Children's Hospital, with a total construction area of 360,000 square meters. It is a Hong Kong-style lifestyle complex covering high-rise residential buildings, star hotels, 20,000 square meters of shopping streets, serviced flats and large supermarkets, and dozens of merchants such as Taian Commercial Bank, Agricultural Bank, Shangke Hotel, Unicom, Mobile and Telecom have settled in Yongsheng-Century Plaza.

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