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Yongsheng-Century City Phase II 9# Hongding Daji

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At the time of the blossoming of spring, Yongsheng-Century Peace town] also ushered in a big happy event. Ltd., leaders of CCB Sixth Bureau and representatives of some owners attended the topping-out ceremony. As the topping-out ceremony progressed, the invited guests jointly shoveled and sealed the 9# building of the second phase of [Yongsheng-Century Peace town], and the cannons were fired and the colorful smoke screen was raised, which pushed the atmosphere to the climax.

Since the construction of the project, all the staff involved in the construction have been working hard day and night in this beautiful and talented land of Taicheng, and have inherited and carried forward the excellent style of Yongsheng Real Estate, and completed the topping out of the main body of the 9# building with high standard and speed. The business philosophy of "win-win cooperation and steady development" was always applied to the project, and the core values of "honesty, quality and innovation" were reflected in every aspect of the construction. It is with the close cooperation and concerted efforts of the command, construction, design, supervision and construction units that the smooth implementation of the project was achieved.  

In the next construction process, Taian Yongsheng Real Estate will further concentrate its spirit and energy, continuously increase its efforts, continuously improve the quality standard of the project, continuously increase technical input, organise scientifically, arrange reasonably, construct civilised and operate safely, so as to create a high-quality project with excellent scientific and technological guarantee and strict construction management measures, establish the corporate image of Tiandiyuan and enhance the brand value of Tiandiyuan. brand value. We will work on one side of the project and build a monument, so that the leaders can rest assured and the owners can be satisfied.

Taian Yongsheng-Century Peace town is a Hong Kong-style community built by Hong Kong Yongchengli Group. The project is located at the intersection of Longtan Road and North Tianmen Street, the main road of Taian city, and adjacent to Taian Children's Hospital to the south. Phase I 7 buildings have all been handed over, realistic existing houses are presented, some owners have moved in; Phase II 9# is fully roofed 7#, 8# will also be sealed; Phase III 2#4#5# building started as scheduled, now hot construction; Century Peace town 4000m2 Jiayue supermarket will soon be decorated opening, golden shops for rent and sale at the same time, the street shop is ready to buy that income.

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