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Yongsheng-Century Plaza investment signing ceremony ended successfully

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On 22 November, the investment signing ceremony of Yongsheng-Century Plaza was held in Yongsheng-Century Plaza. The leaders and guests attending the event, Taian media reporters and nearly 100 citizens witnessed this historic moment together.

Although the sky was not beautiful and it had been drizzling since morning, it did not seem to affect people's enthusiasm to participate in this signing activity. The reporter saw that before nine o'clock in the morning, enthusiastic citizens were arriving from all directions.

The event started at around 10am. The girls who appeared first brought a wonderful water drum performance to the audience, and the rumbling of the drums mobilised the atmosphere. With the end of the drumming, the host came on stage to deliver a speech and introduced the leaders and guests attending the event. Subsequently, Tian Qingyong, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of High-tech Zone, You Daosheng, Chairman of Hong Kong Yongchengli Group, and  Lu, President of Shandong Jiayue Company Limited, spoke on stage and won applause from the audience.

The drizzling rain, like a special note offered by nature, decorated the signing event. The beautiful songs were enchanting, and the wonderful lion dance performance won a round of applause. Around eleven o'clock, the exciting moment finally arrived. Amidst the warm applause, the leaders of the ceremony took to the stage in turn, and together with the audience and media, witnessed the signing of the contract between Yongsheng-Century Plaza and the representatives of the six tenants on site. Media reporters on site raised their cameras to capture this historic moment. With the signing of the last agreement, the signing ceremony was successfully concluded.

After the signing ceremony, the organisers held a series of cultural performances and a lucky draw to thank the public for coming to the signing ceremony.

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