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Tai'an District Government Leaders Inspected Yonghong - Town of Joy Project

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In the afternoon of 24 July 2015,Song Hongyin, Secretary of Tai'an District Committee, Zhao Bin, Mayor of Tai'an District and Xu Liyong, Vice Mayor of Tai'an District, accompanied by  Huang Tao, Secretary of Daimiao Street Office, inspected Yonghong - Town of Joy project.

During the inspection,You Daosheng, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Yonchengli Group, and the persons in charge of various departments gave a warm reception and a detailed explanation of the project, and the district leaders spoke highly of the development and construction of Yonghong Town of Joy project.

On behalf of the Group, the Chairman of Hong Kong Yongchengli Group expressed his position to  Song that he would implement all the work of the project seriously, adhering to the Group's corporate philosophy of "always be honest - only then can we be profitable" and working together to complete the task with high quality and deliver quality works to the owner!

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