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2014 Hong Kong Shandong Week Launch

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  • 2014香港山东周
  • 2014香港山东周
  • 2014香港山东周
  • 副省长夏耕出席活动并致辞
  • 我集团总裁游道生先生被评为“泰安香港商会第一副会长”
  • 我集团总裁游道生先生被评为“泰安香港商会第一副会长”
  • 2014香港山东周
  • 2014香港山东周

Shandong economic and trade delegation held successive investment promotion activities in Hong Kong, sharing with Hong Kong people the new business opportunities in the development of Shandong's financial industry and the reform of state-owned enterprises.

According to Shandong Radio and Television News Centre's "Shandong News Connection", Shandong highlighted 102 key foreign cooperation projects with a total investment of about RMB 280 billion to the Hong Kong side at the Cooperation Fair between Shandong State-owned Enterprises and Overseas Strategic Investors held yesterday afternoon. Shandong recently issued 26 opinions on the reform of state-owned enterprises in the province, proposing the introduction of strategic investors to develop a mixed-ownership economy. Hong Kong's financial and business sectors believe that this is another important opportunity for the two places to dovetail capital with the real economy.

Vice Governor Xia Keng attended the said event and delivered a speech.

Mr You Daosheng, President of our Group, was elected as the First Vice President of Taian Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce.

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