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Town of Joy - School House | Chief children's development community, building a good house for children

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Chen Yuhua, a well-known education expert, said that a good community is better than a good teacher, and a good playmate is better than a good school. Children are always growing up day by day, and a happy childhood is crucial to their future growth, and can even affect their whole life.

It is in the nature of children to play and move around. Sunlight, air, breeze and even changes in temperature, running around on the long green runway, elegant water features and gardens with flowers in all seasons, looking for fun in the natural space, either moving or still, relaxed and joyful.

These nature-related touches are the beginning of children's life experiences, and outdoor sports are indispensable to their development!

However, these days, children spend too much time with electronic devices and parents are often too busy to care. At this time, it is particularly important to have children's play facilities in the community.

Town of Joy - Academy, a comprehensive children's sports park integrating children's play, culture and parent-child interaction, caters to the educational and recreational needs of children of all ages from 0 to 12 years old. With an eye on the growth characteristics of children of different ages, it makes full use of the many play areas, amusement facilities and other resources to plan a colourful arrangement of children's activities for all ages in the community.

In order to provide a better environment for children to grow up

Give them the best at their starting stage
This is exactly what Town of Joy - Schoolhouse focuses on
Building a community for children's growth with a child's heart, leading the way in Ningyang

With the design concept of "building a home with love"
Taking into account the curiosity and creativity of children
The use of new and imaginative fun elements
To create a healthy, happy and safe community environment for them
According to the developmental needs of each age group
A 700 m² companion theme park for children
Designed and built with multiple themes for children
To enable children to have a good memory in all stages of their growth
The landscape planning of the community is also quite ingenious
Integrating natural beauty into a warm community
Children can experience the lushness of nature without having to travel far
Sunny lawns and seasonal plants
Children's themed areas such as a warm parent-child playground
The children's innocence and playfulness will be fully expressed

Leaders of Ning Yang County Lianqiao Community visited our group Taian Real Estate Company for a site visit

On December 28, 2018, Secretary Qu, Deputy Secretary Wang, and members of the two committees of the community of Ningyang County Lianqiao visited Taian Real Estate Company of Yongchengli Group for a site visit, during which they inspected the projects of Yongsheng - Century Peace town and Yonghong - Town of Joy by watching the project promo film and visiting the community real scene, etc. After the visit, they expressed their affirmation and appreciation for the projects developed by Yongchengli Group.

Subsequently, the two sides had a cut short meeting, at which the main relevant leader of our group,  Xu, gave a brief explanation on the development of the Ning Yang site, and the two sides and consulted on the next step of the project plan to advance.

   To create a joyful, healthy and safe environment for children to grow up in

The children's playground is divided into three zones according to age

Infant and Toddler Zone, Preschool Zone

and the juvenile area
Each area is equipped with corresponding activities and facilities

Enriching the innocent world of children

In the infant and toddler area
Climbing platforms, rollable grass slopes, patterned surfaces and other facilities
Develop skills such as climbing, wall-holding, toddling and cognition

A multi-faceted developmental model

Outdoor mother and baby room, nappy changing station

Pram parking area

Convenient for parents to accompany and care for their children

In the preschool activity area

Rich combination of play equipment and patterned exercise circuits

Outdoor learning and other fun elements

to ensure safe outdoor activities
Satisfying the childlike curiosity of preschoolers

with plant mazes, adventure tunnels, climbing areas and other designs

providing an exploratory space for them to experience
Children begin to learn and explore independently when they are young

In terms of space and equipment in this area
The Town of Joy Academy focuses more on their independent potential

Multi-functional slides, trampolines and roller skating rinks for children

Providing a safe and challenging experience for children in their teenage years
Helping children grow up healthy and happy

The sound of children's laughter is music to their ears
A beautiful scenery of children having fun
We hope that every child
Go outside happily

Grow up happily and healthily through playing!

With a vision of the future, Zhongyuecheng-Xuehu will provide a playground for the children of Ningyang with a building area of 113~133㎡.

Glorious launch

Project address: opposite to Fusheng Middle School in Ningyang Consulting line: 0538-5589999

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