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County leaders mobilize old city transformation and urban village transformation work delegation to my group branch for research

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On July 21, Wang Lijun, governor of Ningyang County, Dong Qian, executive vice governor,  Fan Changzheng, vice governor,  Lian Guirong, vice chairman of CPPCC, Tian Yongyou and Shi Baifeng from the county government office, Lv Hongsheng from the county natural resources and planning bureau, Chen Ling from the county property management service center, Chen Jun from the Wenmiao street, and Hu Dengzan from the county finance bureau came to our group branch to investigate and research village enterprise cooperation in urban village transformation work. General manager Xu Laiqiang of Ning Yang Honest Real Estate, a branch of our group, and relevant leaders from various departments participated in this activity.

At the project site, general manager Xu Laiqiang firstly introduced to the county leaders the demolition and transformation of the urban village in Lianqiao community. He said that Ning Yang Honest Real Estate is an enterprise with strength, responsibility and sense of duty, which has won the recognition of the villagers in the village.

During the inspection, Wang spoke highly of the progress of the project and hoped that the group could maintain a strong sense of mission and responsibility in the next work, and do good and practical things for the people.

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