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Warmly welcome Ning Yang leaders and their party to visit Yongchengli Group Real Estate Company

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On June 28, 2020, Chen Jun, secretary of Wenmiao of Ningyang County, Director Ma, Deputy Secretary Zhou, Qu Xianhui, Secretary of Lianqiao Community and other leaders visited Century City and Town of Joy projects.

During the visit, You Daosheng, chairman of Group, Guo Zhiren, vice president of Group, Xu Laiqiang, the general manager of Ningyang project, and the staff in charge of each department watched the 3D video of the two projects, and the staff in charge of the projects also introduced the basic situation of the two projects in detail. You Daosheng, chairman of Yongchengli Group, personally accompanied the guests to visit the community.

During the visit, the secretary gave high praise and appreciation to the projects developed by Group and was full of confidence and expectation for the upcoming cooperative development projects in Ningyang.

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