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You, Group's General Manager, paid a visit to the front-line property staff

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In addition to the "angels in white" who are fighting on the front line, properties and communities, as the cells of the city, are the first line of epidemic prevention and control.

The four major departments of Taian Benefit Forever Property made concerted efforts to lay down layers of defense for the safety of the community. The order department upholds daily disinfection in public areas and buildings to eliminate the possibility of foreign infection sources entering the community; the environment department insists on high-frequency disinfection every time, never letting go of every detail; the engineering maintenance personnel stand by at their posts to ensure the owners' convenient home life.

The customer service housekeepers also carried out all-round household and telephone checks, and did a good job of checking and verifying foreigners and people returning to their hometowns in a detailed and practical manner, publicizing the epidemic prevention policies and knowledge to every household and every person, and strictly keeping every gate of epidemic prevention.

In this epidemic prevention and control, every Taian Benefit Forever Property owner gave himself/herself to the work with courageous service spirit, professional and meticulous service measures, and dedicated and serious service attitude.

At the same time, the group company also paid special attention to the property service employees who were on the front line during the epidemic prevention and control. We also expressed that it is the common responsibility of all people to fight the epidemic and overcome the difficulties together.

At the same time, the group companies also paid special attention to the property service employees who were on the front line during the epidemic prevention and control period. They also said that it is the common responsibility of all of us to fight the epidemic and overcome the difficulties together.

At 4:00 p.m. on March 11, You Daosheng, Chairman of the Group, Guo Zhiren, President of the Group, and Luo Qiaoyu from the Administration Office had a close heart-to-heart communication with the person in charge of each post in the Group's office to have an in-depth understanding of the epidemic inspection and prevention work during the epidemic, and listened to the report of the person in charge of each department of the property on the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures such as prevention and control measures, personnel guarding and material guarantee, and expressed loyal thanks, praise and sincere condolences on behalf of the company to the staff who were fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

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