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Congratulations to You Wangsheng, President of Yongchengli Group, on his election as the third president of Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce

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On October 20, 2019, the 10th anniversary celebration of Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce and the 3rd first general meeting and inauguration ceremony of the board of directors (supervisors) were held in Xiamen Chenzhou Intercontinental Hotel, where Xiamen city leaders, Longyan city leaders and the standing committee members of Longyan counties and districts, the Minister of United Front Work, the Chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as representatives of the national foreign Longyan Chamber of Commerce, sister business associations in Xiamen, and party and government organs, enterprises and institutions in Xiamen, from all walks of life Nearly 600 people, including distinguished guests and members of the Chamber of Commerce, gathered on the island of Lu, passing on their hometowns to each other and sharing the occasion.

Deng Jufang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Longyan Municipal Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, He Xiuzhen, Executive Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Xiamen Municipal Committee, Zheng Yulin, Vice Chairman of the Longyan CPPCC and Chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, Lin Zhihong, Vice Chairman of the Xiamen Federation of Industry and Commerce (Chamber of Commerce), Zhu Biaoren, Vice Minister of the Longyan United Front Work Department and Secretary of the Party Group of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, Cai Zhixian, Director of the Xiamen Civil Affairs Bureau and the Administration of Municipal Organizations, Chen Xiaoling, Second Researcher of the Longyan Federation of Industry and Commerce and other leaders attended the General Assembly.

The inauguration celebration kicked off with the solemn national anthem. At the meeting, You Wangsheng, President of YongHonest Group, was elected President, Liu Wenhong, Supervisor and Chairman of the Trade union of Zijin Mining Group and Secretary General of the Founding Chamber, was re-elected as Chairman of the Supervisors, and Zhang Wenbiao, Chairman of City Year Round (China) Organization, was re-elected as Executive Vice President and Secretary General.

The Chamber also presented plaques, etc. to the newly hired eternal honorary presidents, Chen Jinghe, Chairman of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd, Lan Fusheng, President of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd, and Deng Dengming, founder of Qianzhao Optoelectronics Co.

Deng Jufang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Longyan Municipal Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, presented plaques to the Honorary Presidents forever

Lin Zhihong, Vice Chairman of Xiamen Federation of Industry and Commerce (Chamber of Commerce), presented the plaque to the Honorary President

He Xiuzhen, Executive Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Xiamen Municipal Committee, presented a plaque to President You Wangsheng

          Zheng Yulin, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC and Chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce of Longyan, conferring a plaque on Chairman Liu Wenhong, Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Cai Zhixian, Director of Xiamen Civil Affairs Bureau and Municipal Administration of Associations, presented the plaque to Zhang Wenbiao, Executive Vice President and Secretary General

Zhu Biaoren, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of Longyan City and Secretary of the Party Group of the Federation of Industry and Commerce of Longyan City, conferred a plaque on the Executive Vice President

Chen Xiaoling, second-level researcher of Longyan Federation of Industry and Commerce, conferred a plaque on the vice-president

Chen Xiaoling, second-level researcher of Longyan Federation of Industry and Commerce, awarded the medal to the vice president

                         President of Yongchengli Group and Chairman of Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce, You Wangsheng

You Wangsheng said:Under the leadership of Longyan City and Xiamen Municipal Government, with the support of the Federation of Industry and Commerce of the two cities and various departments, and with the joint efforts of all entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce has officially changed its membership today. Thanks to your love and support, I have been elected as the third President of Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce. I am deeply honoured and feel a great sense of responsibility. I will do my best to build our Chamber's home by all means.

The Director of the Xiamen Civil Affairs Bureau, Cai Zhixian, made an important speech, congratulating the Chamber on the victory of the General Meeting and the inauguration of the new Chamber's Board of Directors and Supervisors, giving full recognition to the work done by the Chamber's second Council and expressing appreciation for the achievements made. At the same time, he gave guidance to the new Chamber's leadership team on their future work and made suggestions and comments.

Lin Zhihong, Vice Chairman of Xiamen Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce), gave full recognition to the work of Longyan Chamber of Commerce. He said that in the past ten years since the Chamber was established, under the leadership of successive councils, certain achievements and results have been made in various areas of work, and he hoped that Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce would continue to work hard and strive for greater achievements.

Deng Jufang, member of the Standing Committee of the Longyan Municipal Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, congratulated the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Longyan Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government on the holding of the conference. Since its establishment, the Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce has actively played the role of a platform and a bridge to serve its members and development.

We hope that the Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce, under the leadership of President You Wangsheng, will study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party, earnestly study the important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during the deliberations of the Fujian delegation at the second session of the 13th National People's Congress and at the symposium on private enterprises, put political leadership into the whole process of the Chamber's work, inherit the red gene, and keep in mind its mission. We will continue to carry on the red gene, remember our original intention, remember our mission, guide our members to enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards". We should proactively provide quality services for our members' entrepreneurship and innovation, liaison and friendship, and sincerely do practical things and solve problems for our members to make the Chamber a "member's home". We should further build a "heart-to-heart bridge" and "communication bridge" for exchanges and cooperation between Longyan and Xiamen, and actively support and participate in the economic and social development of both places.

The birth of a new leadership team marks a new stage in the work of Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce. In the face of the new period, new situation and new requirements, the new leadership team expressed that they will take "collaboration between the mountains and the sea, join hands to win together" as the slogan; "promote economic and cultural cooperation and exchange between Longyan and Xiamen" as the purpose; "embrace group With the slogan of "Collaboration between the mountains and the sea, hand in hand to win", the aim is to "promote the economic and cultural cooperation and exchange between Longyan and Xiamen", the concept of "Group development, service to members", the promotion of the Chamber's culture of "the same road, the same profit, the same heart" and the inheritance of the spirit of the old region of western Fujian, the unity and mutual assistance, the promotion of the Chamber to a higher level of development, and the establishment of the brand of Longyan entrepreneurs in Xiamen!

It has been 10 years since the establishment of Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce in 2008. Over the past ten years, it has grown from strength to strength, from weakness to strength. The Xiamen Longyan Chamber of Commerce has made one leap after another in the ten years of its growth. This has involved the hard work and sweat of many people, and recorded the dedication and commitment of many people.

Over the past ten years, with the support of leaders and advisors at all levels, with the heritage and innovation of the various presidents, and with the concerted efforts of the Council and Supervisory Board, the Longyan Chamber of Commerce has grown to its present size. The footprints of the past ten years are not only the history of the development of the Chamber, but also the history of the struggle of the Longyan Chamber of Commerce in Xiamen and the growth of its member enterprises, as well as the glorious history of participating in the economic construction of Xiamen and supporting the development of the hometown.

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