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Tai'an Fujian Chamber of Commerce's 2nd Anniversary Celebration and Charity Donation Ceremony held in Ningyang County, Tai'an

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On July 26, 2019, the Second Anniversary Celebration Conference and Loving Charity Donation Ceremony of Fujian Chamber of Commerce in Tai'an City was held in Ningyang County, Tai'an City. Ms. Zheng Yulin, Vice Chairman of Fujian Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Longyan Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chen Chang, Deputy Director of Fujian Provincial Office in Shandong, Chen Xueliang, Part-time Vice Chairman of Longyan Federation of Industry and Commerce, Ms. Wang Shuling, Deputy Director of Standing Committee of Tai'an Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of Federation of Industry and Commerce, Ma Chunyong, Vice Chairman of Tai'an CPPCC, Ma Yujun, Director of Tai'an CPPCC Economic Committee, Yang Qingmu, Researcher of Tai'an CPPCC Economic Committee Song Ping, Deputy Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Tai'an City, Shao Zhen, Deputy Secretary General of the Secretariat of the Tai'an City Association of Banks, Chen Bo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Ningyang County, Li Weiqun, Director of the People's Congress of Ningyang County, Hou Tao, Chairman of the CPPCC of Ningyang County, Wang Guanghao, Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Standing Committee of Ningyang County, Yu Shiyi, Deputy Governor of Ningyang County, as well as representatives of the Tai'an Foreign Chamber of Commerce, representatives of the Shandong Foreign Chamber of Commerce and more than 500 members of the Fujian Chamber of Commerce in Tai'an City They attended the celebration together.

At 15:00 on the 26th, the Taian Fujian Chamber of Commerce held its second general meeting.

The first item on the agenda was a briefing by Liu Hongbao, Chairman of the Chamber and Supervisor, on the work of the Chamber's Supervisory Board to the members of the Supervisory Board and all members.

Speech by  Liu Hongbao, Chairman of the Chamber

The second item on the agenda was a speech by You Daosheng (Chairman of Yongchengli Group), President of the Chamber.

Speech by  You Daosheng, President of the Chamber

You summarised the Chamber's development in the past two years and made a detailed plan for the future development of the Chamber.

Speech by Song Ping, Deputy Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Tai'an City

Speech by Wang Shuling, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Tai'an Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce

The third item on the agenda was a speech by Song Ping, Deputy Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Tai'an, and Wang Shuling, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Tai'an Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, who gave full recognition to the work done by the Chamber over the past two years and encouraged and supported the Chamber's future development.

At 16:00 on the 26th, the Fujian Chamber of Commerce in Tai'an City held an investment promotion meeting at the Ning Yang Hotel.

Chen Bo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and County Mayor of Ningyang County, spoke

First of all, Chen Bo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and County Mayor of Ningyang County, congratulated the Fujian Chamber of Commerce in Tai'an City on its second anniversary. He also hoped that the Chamber would continue to play a good role in bridging the gap and actively inject fresh energy into the development of Ningyang. More Fujian enterprises will be able to come to Ningyang to invest and develop their business.

Speech by You Daosheng, President of the Chamber

In his speech, You Daosheng (Chairman of Yongchengli Group), President of the Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that Ningyang is rich in resources and has a wealth of humanities. The construction of key projects is in full swing, and investment is in full swing. The unique preferential policies for attracting investment, the increasingly optimized investment environment and the meticulous and thoughtful services are attracting enterprises from all over the country to come and invest and develop their businesses. Taian Fujian Chamber of Commerce, as a bridge connecting Taian and Fujian economic and trade exchanges, relies on the platform and influence of the Chamber to provide services for member enterprises, and has a relatively complete institutional mechanism. In the next step, the Chamber will continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with Ningyang, further integrate resources, give full play to its advantages, do its best to promote investment services, guide more enterprises and projects to settle in Ningyang, and strive to achieve mutual benefit. Afterwards, representatives of Ningyang made speeches and broadcasted the promotional film of Ningyang, and promoted Ningyang Economic Development Zone and Huancheng Science and Technology Industrial Park as key investment promotion projects respectively. Finally, the Ning Yang County Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Fujian Chamber of Commerce in Tai'an and conducted a charity donation ceremony.

The Chamber signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the government of Ningyang County

Chamber of Commerce Charity Donation Ceremony

At 17:00 on the 26th, all the members of Taian Fujian Chamber of Commerce took a group photo with all the leaders and guests invited to this celebration.

Group photo of all the members of the Chamber with the leaders and guests

Before the dinner, the Chairman of Taian Fujian Chamber of Commerce, You Daosheng (Chairman of Yongchengli Group), held a grand awarding ceremony for the newly elected Executive Vice Presidents, Lin Wei,  Cai Qingxin and  Zeng Baoxun, and Vice Presidents,  Zhan Wanhua,  Ding Yuanlu,  Lin Qingqu,  Wu Wenlu,  Wang Jinxing and  Lin Hui.

President with Executive Vice President Lin Wei

President with Executive Vice President Cai Qingxin

President with Executive Vice President Zeng Baoxun

Speech by Zheng Yulin, Vice Chairman of Fujian Federation of Industry and Commerce

Afterwards, Ms Zheng Yulin, Vice Chairman of Fujian Federation of Industry and Commerce, delivered an important speech on stage. In her speech, the leader pointed out that the unity and selflessness of the Fujian Chamber of Commerce in Tai'an has contributed to the brilliance of the Chamber today. We hope that we will continue to carry forward the spirit of "business in the world, wisdom in the world and goodness in the world", actively build a bridge for the cooperation and exchange between Fujian and local governments and enterprises, and make new contributions to promote the new economic prosperity of Fujian and local businesses.

President's toast

The President of Taian Fujian Chamber of Commerce (Chairman of Yongchengli Group) then gave a toast on stage, expressing his warm welcome to all the leaders, guests and members and thanking them for their long-standing care and support to the Chamber.

The dinner was followed by a programme of dance, song, opera, instrumental music and magic, which was a combination of thoughtfulness, artistry and entertainment. The evening not only brought laughter to everyone, but also brought the members closer to each other. The whole dinner was a climax, showing the joy and harmony of the Taian Fujian Chamber of Commerce family. After the programme there were calligraphy masters Zhang Enli, Wang Shuai and Zhang Haitao doing calligraphy for us on the spot. The money from the calligraphy written on the spot and the calligraphy and paintings provided by the masters will all be donated to the Sports Bureau and Education Bureau of Ningyang County as charity money.

Finally, the Chamber's leaders walked onto the stage and sang the chorus of "Love Will Win" with everyone. All members were immersed in physical and mental pleasure, and this extraordinary evening ended perfectly with the laughter of the Taian Fujian Chamber of Commerce's second anniversary celebration and love charity donation ceremony.

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