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Congratulations to You Daosheng, Chairman of the Group, who was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Entrepreneur of Shandong Province" in the 24th year.

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In order to deeply implement the CPC Central Committee and the State Council "on creating a healthy environment for the growth of entrepreneurs to promote the spirit of excellent entrepreneurs and better play the role of entrepreneurs" the spirit of the document, and actively implement the provincial party committee and the provincial government to implement the strategic deployment of the major project of the conversion of new and old dynamic energy, and constantly stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the majority of entrepreneurs in the province's innovation and entrepreneurship, vigorously promote the entrepreneurial spirit of innovation and craftsmanship, give full play to the role of Excellent entrepreneurs model leading role, Shandong Province Federation of Enterprises, Shandong Province Entrepreneur Association, Shandong Province Federation of Industrial Economics, Shandong Province Quality Management Association, Shandong Province Equipment Management Association (referred to as the provincial "five associations") in all member enterprises to carry out the "24th Shandong Province excellent Entrepreneur of Shandong Province" was recommended and recognized. After being recommended by local and municipal enterprise federations, industry associations and large enterprise associations, the provincial "Five Associations" carried out all the procedures in strict accordance with the "Management Measures and Implementation Rules for the Recommendation and Recognition of Excellent Entrepreneurs" and determined that Coade You Daosheng, Chairman of Taian Yongchengli Real Estate Co. The 24th "Outstanding Entrepreneur of Shandong Province" honorary title.

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